Fame | Bracken P. Darrell net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Bracken P. Darrell? When is Bracken P. Darrell's birthday? Where is Bracken P. Darrell born? Where did Bracken P. Darrell grow up from? What's Bracken P. Darrell's age? Bracken P. Darrell Born: February 7, 1963 (age 57); Owensboro, Kentucky

How old is Bracken P. Darrell? When is Bracken P. Darrell's birthday? Where is Bracken P. Darrell born? Where did Bracken P. Darrell grow up from? What's Bracken P. Darrell's age?

Bracken P. Darrell Born: February 7, 1963 (age 57); Owensboro, Kentucky

How about Bracken P. Darrell's educ?

Bracken P. Darrell Educ: Master of Business Administration

How about Bracken P. Darrell's board member of?

Bracken P. Darrell Board member of: Logitech

Why is Bracken Darrell leaving Logitech?

June 20 (Reuters) - VF Corp (VFC. N) on Tuesday appointed former Logitech boss Bracken Darrell as its new CEO, at a time when the footwear and apparel maker is struggling with sluggish demand for its Vans sneakers and Timberland boots.

Did the CEO of Logitech resign?

June 20 (Reuters) - VF Corp (VFC. N) on Tuesday appointed former Logitech boss Bracken Darrell as its new CEO, at a time when the footwear and apparel maker is struggling with sluggish demand for its Vans sneakers and Timberland boots.

Who is the new CEO of VFC?

June 20 (Reuters) - VF Corp (VFC. N) on Tuesday appointed former Logitech boss Bracken Darrell as its new CEO, at a time when the footwear and apparel maker is struggling with sluggish demand for its Vans sneakers and Timberland boots.

Who is the CEO of Vans?

June 20 (Reuters) - VF Corp (VFC. N) on Tuesday appointed former Logitech boss Bracken Darrell as its new CEO, at a time when the footwear and apparel maker is struggling with sluggish demand for its Vans sneakers and Timberland boots.

