Fame | Byron Brown net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Byron Brown? When is Byron Brown's birthday? Where is Byron Brown born? Where did Byron Brown grow up from? What's Byron Brown's age? Byron Brown Born: 1958 (age 64years), Queens, New York, NY

How old is Byron Brown? When is Byron Brown's birthday? Where is Byron Brown born? Where did Byron Brown grow up from? What's Byron Brown's age?

Byron Brown Born: 1958 (age 64years), Queens, New York, NY

Is Byron Brown married? When did Byron Brown get married? Who's Byron Brown's married to? (Who's Byron Brown's husband / wife)?

Byron Brown Spouse: Michelle Brown

How about Byron Brown's education?

Byron Brown Education: Buffalo State University

How about Byron Brown's nationality?

Byron Brown Nationality: American

How about Byron Brown's current position?

Byron Brown Current position: Mayor of Buffalo since 2005

How about Byron Brown's previous position?

Byron Brown Previous position: New York State Senator (20032005), MORE

Where did Byron Brown go to college?

Brown's Biography. The Honorable Byron W. Brown was sworn in to a fifth-term as the 62nd Mayor of New York's second-largest city in January of 2022.

Who is Byron Brown's son?

Brown's Biography. The Honorable Byron W. Brown was sworn in to a fifth-term as the 62nd Mayor of New York's second-largest city in January of 2022.

Who is the new mayor of Buffalo NY?

Brown's Biography. The Honorable Byron W. Brown was sworn in to a fifth-term as the 62nd Mayor of New York's second-largest city in January of 2022.

