How old is Chris Zorich? When is Chris Zorich's birthday? Where is Chris Zorich born? Where did Chris Zorich grow up from? What's Chris Zorich's age?
Chris Zorich Born: March 13, 1969 (age 54years), Chicago, Illinois, United States
How about Chris Zorich's parents?
Chris Zorich Parents: Zora Zorich
How about Chris Zorich's education?
Chris Zorich Education: Chicago Vocational High School, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame Law School
How about Chris Zorich's awards?
Chris Zorich Awards: Lombardi Award
How tall is Chris Zorich in meters or centimeters?
Chris Zorich Height: 1.85m
What is Chris Zorich doing now?
Chris Zorich serves as a Partner in the firm's Human Resources Practice and will lead the Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Practice.
Who is Chris Zorich married to?
Zorich and his wife, Camille Henderson, divorced around the same time.
What nationality is Chris Zorich?
An only child of African American and Croatian descent, Zorich was raised by his mother, Zora (1931 - 1991, buried at Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery, Illinois), on the South Side of Chicago, where he attended Chicago Vocational High School.
How many years did Chris Zorich play in the NFL?
In the final game of his collegiate career he was the Defensive Most Valuable player of the Orange Bowl. Drafted by his hometown team, he spent seven seasons in the NFL with the Bears and later the Washington Redskins.