How about Clint Stoerner's tdint?
Clint Stoerner Tdint: 45
How old is Clint Stoerner? When is Clint Stoerner's birthday? Where is Clint Stoerner born? Where did Clint Stoerner grow up from? What's Clint Stoerner's age?
Clint Stoerner Born: December 29, 1977 (age 45years), Baytown, Texas, United States
How about Clint Stoerner's movies?
Clint Stoerner Movies: The Identity Theft Of Mitch Mustain
How about Clint Stoerner's sibling?
Clint Stoerner Sibling: Hank Stoerner
How about Clint Stoerner's education?
Clint Stoerner Education: Robert E. Lee High School, University of Arkansas
How tall is Clint Stoerner in meters or centimeters?
Clint Stoerner Height: 1.88m
Who tripped Clint Stoerner?
Quarterback Clint Stoerner played 2 seasons for the Cowboys. He had 29 completions in 54 attempts for 367 yards and 4 touchdowns.
What is Clint Stoerner doing now?
Quarterback Clint Stoerner played 2 seasons for the Cowboys. He had 29 completions in 54 attempts for 367 yards and 4 touchdowns.
Did Clint Stoerner play for Dallas Cowboys?
Quarterback Clint Stoerner played 2 seasons for the Cowboys. He had 29 completions in 54 attempts for 367 yards and 4 touchdowns.