How tall is Rick Mirer in meters or centimeters?
Rick Mirer Height: 6 ft 2 in (1.88 m)
How old is Rick Mirer? When is Rick Mirer's birthday? Where is Rick Mirer born? Where did Rick Mirer grow up from? What's Rick Mirer's age?
Rick Mirer Born: 1970 (age 53years), Goshen, IN
How about Rick Mirer's nfl_draft?
Rick Mirer Nfl_draft: 1993 / Round: 1 / Pick: 2
Is Rick Mirer married? When did Rick Mirer get married? Who's Rick Mirer's married to? (Who's Rick Mirer's husband / wife)?
Rick Mirer Spouse: Stephanie Mirer
How about Rick Mirer's parents?
Rick Mirer Parents: Ken Mirer
How about Rick Mirer's education?
Rick Mirer Education: Goshen High School, University of Notre Dame
How about Rick Mirer's picked date?
Rick Mirer Picked date: 2004 (Detroit Lions), 2002 (Las Vegas Raiders), MORE
Did Rick Mirer win Rookie of the Year?
Mirer also set NFL rookie records for attempts, completions, and yards on his way to sharing the Offensive Rookie of the Year honors with Jerome Bettis. Unfortunately, that was arguably the highlight of Mirer's Seahawks career as he would post a 20-31 record over his four years in Seattle with a 50/76 TD/INT ratio.