Fame | Larry Pratt net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Larry Pratt? When is Larry Pratt's birthday? Where is Larry Pratt born? Where did Larry Pratt grow up from? What's Larry Pratt's age? Larry Pratt Born: 1942 (age 81years), Camden, NJ Is Larry Pratt married? When did Larry Pratt get married? Who's Larry Pratt's married to? (Who's Larry Pratt's husband / wife)?

How old is Larry Pratt? When is Larry Pratt's birthday? Where is Larry Pratt born? Where did Larry Pratt grow up from? What's Larry Pratt's age?

Larry Pratt Born: 1942 (age 81years), Camden, NJ

Is Larry Pratt married? When did Larry Pratt get married? Who's Larry Pratt's married to? (Who's Larry Pratt's husband / wife)?

Larry Pratt Spouse: Priscilla Pratt

How about Larry Pratt's books only?

Larry Pratt Books only: Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution and Citizen Militias, MORE

How about Larry Pratt's education?

Larry Pratt Education: American University

How about Larry Pratt's party?

Larry Pratt Party: Republican Party

How about Larry Pratt's edited works?

Larry Pratt Edited works: The Last Great Forest: Japanese Multinationals and Alberta's Northern Forests, MORE

How about Larry Pratt's founded organization?

Larry Pratt Founded organization: Gun Owners of America

Who is Pratt from Gun Owners of America?

Pratt was born in Camden, New Jersey on November 13, 1942. His father was an electrical engineer. Several years after graduating from American University with a degree in political science, Pratt took the helm of Gun Owners of America in 1976, one year after the organization was founded.

How many members does the Goa have?

Goa Legislative Assembly
Leader of the House (Chief Minister)Pramod Sawant, BJP since 19 March 2019
Leader of the OppositionYuri Alemao, INC since 30 September 2022

