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How old is Lillie McCloud? When is Lillie McCloud's birthday? Where is Lillie McCloud born? Where did Lillie McCloud grow up from? What's Lillie McCloud's age? Lillie McCloud Born: December 7, 1958 (age 64years), Rochester, New York, United States

How old is Lillie McCloud? When is Lillie McCloud's birthday? Where is Lillie McCloud born? Where did Lillie McCloud grow up from? What's Lillie McCloud's age?

Lillie McCloud Born: December 7, 1958 (age 64years), Rochester, New York, United States

Lillie McCloud Albums: What About Me?, Red Apples, Number One Contender, Love Town

Lillie McCloud Current_partner: Gnter Kronsteiner

Originally from Rochester, NY, McCloud has since been an Orlando resident, and her latest mission is vying for her dream on The X Factor.

