How old is Phil Romano? When is Phil Romano's birthday? Where is Phil Romano born? Where did Phil Romano grow up from? What's Phil Romano's age?
Phil Romano Born: 1939 (age 85years), Auburn, NY
Is Phil Romano married? When did Phil Romano get married? Who's Phil Romano's married to? (Who's Phil Romano's husband / wife)?
Phil Romano Spouse: Lillie Romano (m. 1993)
How about Phil Romano's books only?
Phil Romano Books only: Food for Thought - 3 Copy, The Joy of Not Cooking
How about Phil Romano's founded organization?
Phil Romano Founded organization: Fuddruckers, Romano's Macaroni Grill, EatZi's
What restaurants does Phil Romano own?
Founder. Philip J. Romano is an investor, entrepreneur, artist, and nationally-renowned restaurateur.
Where does Phil Romano live?
Founder. Philip J. Romano is an investor, entrepreneur, artist, and nationally-renowned restaurateur.
Who owns eatZi's?
Founder. Philip J. Romano is an investor, entrepreneur, artist, and nationally-renowned restaurateur.