Fame | Phil Romano net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Phil Romano? When is Phil Romano's birthday? Where is Phil Romano born? Where did Phil Romano grow up from? What's Phil Romano's age? Phil Romano Born: 1939 (age 85years), Auburn, NY Is Phil Romano married? When did Phil Romano get married? Who's Phil Romano's married to? (Who's Phil Romano's husband / wife)?

How old is Phil Romano? When is Phil Romano's birthday? Where is Phil Romano born? Where did Phil Romano grow up from? What's Phil Romano's age?

Phil Romano Born: 1939 (age 85years), Auburn, NY

Is Phil Romano married? When did Phil Romano get married? Who's Phil Romano's married to? (Who's Phil Romano's husband / wife)?

Phil Romano Spouse: Lillie Romano (m. 1993)

How about Phil Romano's books only?

Phil Romano Books only: Food for Thought - 3 Copy, The Joy of Not Cooking

How about Phil Romano's founded organization?

Phil Romano Founded organization: Fuddruckers, Romano's Macaroni Grill, EatZi's

What restaurants does Phil Romano own?

Founder. Philip J. Romano is an investor, entrepreneur, artist, and nationally-renowned restaurateur.

Where does Phil Romano live?

Founder. Philip J. Romano is an investor, entrepreneur, artist, and nationally-renowned restaurateur.

Who owns eatZi's?

Founder. Philip J. Romano is an investor, entrepreneur, artist, and nationally-renowned restaurateur.

