Fame | Satcha Pretto net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Satcha Pretto? When is Satcha Pretto's birthday? Where is Satcha Pretto born? Where did Satcha Pretto grow up from? What's Satcha Pretto's age? Satcha Pretto Born: April 5, 1980 (age 43years), La Paz, Honduras

How old is Satcha Pretto? When is Satcha Pretto's birthday? Where is Satcha Pretto born? Where did Satcha Pretto grow up from? What's Satcha Pretto's age?

Satcha Pretto Born: April 5, 1980 (age 43years), La Paz, Honduras

Is Satcha Pretto married? When did Satcha Pretto get married? Who's Satcha Pretto's married to? (Who's Satcha Pretto's husband / wife)?

Satcha Pretto Spouse: Aaron Butler (m. 2013)

How about Satcha Pretto's parents?

Satcha Pretto Parents: Rolando Pretto, Liz Padilla

Does Satcha Pretto have any children? What are the names of Satcha Pretto's children? What are the ages of Satcha Pretto's children?

Satcha Pretto Children: Alana Buttler Pretto, Bruce Aaron Butler

How about Satcha Pretto's education?

Satcha Pretto Education: Angelo State University (2001)

How tall is Satcha Pretto in meters or centimeters?

Satcha Pretto Height: 1.68m

How about Satcha Pretto's nominations?

Satcha Pretto Nominations: Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Morning Program in Spanish, MORE

What is Satcha Pretto known for?

Satcha Pretto (born April 5, 1980) is a Honduran journalist and news co-anchor of the Univision Network's popular morning show Despierta America.

