How old is Satcha Pretto? When is Satcha Pretto's birthday? Where is Satcha Pretto born? Where did Satcha Pretto grow up from? What's Satcha Pretto's age?
Satcha Pretto Born: April 5, 1980 (age 43years), La Paz, Honduras
Is Satcha Pretto married? When did Satcha Pretto get married? Who's Satcha Pretto's married to? (Who's Satcha Pretto's husband / wife)?
Satcha Pretto Spouse: Aaron Butler (m. 2013)
How about Satcha Pretto's parents?
Satcha Pretto Parents: Rolando Pretto, Liz Padilla
Does Satcha Pretto have any children? What are the names of Satcha Pretto's children? What are the ages of Satcha Pretto's children?
Satcha Pretto Children: Alana Buttler Pretto, Bruce Aaron Butler
How about Satcha Pretto's education?
Satcha Pretto Education: Angelo State University (2001)
How tall is Satcha Pretto in meters or centimeters?
Satcha Pretto Height: 1.68m
How about Satcha Pretto's nominations?
Satcha Pretto Nominations: Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Morning Program in Spanish, MORE
What is Satcha Pretto known for?
Satcha Pretto (born April 5, 1980) is a Honduran journalist and news co-anchor of the Univision Network's popular morning show Despierta America.