Check Out My Kind of Awful, Somewhat Phallic Tattoo of My Kid!

OK, so this is super awkward. Lets just get that out of the way. Were talking about a Teen Mom cast member with a new tattoo though, so you can always pretty much assume that its not going to be great.

OK, so this is super awkward.

Let’s just get that out of the way.

We’re talking about a Teen Mom cast member with a new tattoo though, so you can always pretty much assume that it’s not going to be great.

Just consider all the other tattoos these people have gotten over the years.

Amber Portwood’s giant tattoo of baby Leah that covers an entire side of her torso, Jenelle Evans’ "YOLO" chest tattoo and that great big leopard …

It’s just never good.

But this time around, we’re talking about Tyler Baltierra’s brand new ink dedicated to his brand new daughter, precious little Vaeda.

And boy, is it a doozy.

So, OK, we all know Tyler has a thing for Batman, right?

That’s why he chose to get this placed on his arm:

Yes, that’s Batman holding a naked baby with Vaeda’s name underneath.

It’s sure is something.

A lot of people had a lot of things to say about this, so much that Tyler actually deleted this photo from his Instagram.

So instead, let’s just check out what the fine Teen Mom fans over at Reddit had to say about this whole thing.

"Typical Tyler," one user commented. "The tattoo for his daughter is 90% about his Batman/hero complex and 10% about Vaeda."

Many people agreed that it seems like Tyler is Batman here, which is … a lot.

Others — lots and lots of others — couldn’t get over the fact that Batman’s head looks exactly like a penis.

"This is a dick," one of those people explained. "This picture is of a dick. There’s even an opening for the urethra, and the line for the start of the head. Everything."

It’s just odd, because as some pointed out, he definitely has the money for a good tattoo.

As one person said, He makes more than enough money to travel around the country and get amazing tattoo work …. but he gets dick headed Batman lmao Tyler come on bro why."

A more exasperated Teen Mom fan wrote "FFS Tyler. Stop with the bargain basement Batman tattoos. You aren’t Batman."

"With your money you could afford a decent tattoo artist too, yet here we are, staring at BatPenis and another kids name blended into it to justify it. Christ."

Because remember, he has a Batman tattoo for Nova, too.

We’ll share one more comment, this one that reads "So Tyler the creative poet/fashion designer/interior decorator couldn’t think of a single damn thing to put on his body permanently other than his kid’s name under a penis head Batman picture he found on the internet?"

That’s right — his tattoo isn’t an original drawing by his tattoo artist or anything, but an image created by an artist on Photoshop a few years ago.

Look, Tyler can put whatever he wants on his body, obviously. If he likes this, then that’s what matters.

Teen Mom: The Definitive, Tragically Trashy Tattoo Guide! [UPDATED]


But this is like his fifth huge Batman tattoo, and his second dedicated to one of his children.

It’s just pretty wild, that’s all.

