At least the Britney Spears stalker seemed harmless enough, albeit moronic. Tyler Perry’s version appears to be straight up crazy and possibly homocidal.
According to a restraining order obtained against the woman accused of stalking the unfunny comedian, Perry is apparently a prime candidate for murder.
Dawne Wilson was arrested for aggravated stalking outside Perry’s production studios in Atlanta … a place she’s paid unwanted visits many times before.
The restraining order claims in March 2008, Dawne Wilson began contacting Tyler Perry by computer and making threats “in a menacing manner.”
He feared “apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.”
According to court documents, in April, 2008, Wilson sent another e-mail saying “You need to check your heart condition because it is filled with murder… your love has been but costly and deadly…. Murder I say is the verdict.”
Dawne Wilson rambled on, “Why do you insist on assisting the devil?”
This crazy chick was taken into custody after showing up at Perry’s recording studio last Wednesday, in blatant violation of the restraining order.
She thus enters our insane stalker and celebrity mug shot Halls of Fame.